Fund Services
Agency and LP-GP

Gilan Research and Technology Fund, as a specialized financial institution, offers agency and LP-GP services to facilitate access to financial resources for technology-based and knowledge-based businesses. These services include the following:


Financial Agency

In the financial agency service, Gilan Research and Technology Fund acts as a financial intermediary. The Fund attracts financial resources from investors and financial institutions and, after evaluation, allocates them to technology-based and knowledge-based businesses. This service facilitates companies' access to financial resources while reducing investment risk for financial providers.



LP-GP Investment Management In the LP-GP investment management model, the Fund plays the role of General Partner (GP) and takes on active investment management. Investors, as Limited Partners (LPs), provide financial resources. The Fund uses its expertise to select and manage suitable projects. This model enables investment in complex projects and leverages the Fund's expertise in capital management.3

Stages of Partnership Application

Stages of Partnership Application The stages from application submission to partnership contract conclusion include the following:

Registration on the portal and sending the request letter.

If initially approved, the team is invited for an in-person presentation of the project and collaboration model.

Technical and economic feasibility study of the project by experts.

If approved, negotiations begin to determine the terms and details of financial collaboration, and finally, finalizing agreements and signing the cooperation contract.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the main difference between financial agency services and LP-GP investment management?

In financial agency, the Fund acts as an intermediary between investors and businesses, while in the LP-GP model, the Fund directly manages the investment. Financial agency is used for financing specific projects, whereas LP-GP is used for long-term investment in a portfolio of companies.

Does the Fund intervene in the daily management of companies it invests in?

In the LP-GP model, the Fund, as GP, is responsible for overall investment management, but typically does not directly intervene in companies' daily operations. The Fund's role is more focused on oversight, strategic advice, and helping business growth.

How long does the evaluation and approval process take?

The duration of this process varies depending on various factors including project complexity, volume of received applications, and need for additional information. The Fund strives to complete the evaluation process in the shortest possible time while maintaining sufficient accuracy. Applicants can follow up on the progress of their application by contacting the Fund's experts throughout the process.